Florida Lottery Scratch Off Detailed Analysis by Game
NOTE: 06/22/2024 This site is up again. Thanks much to Sam Rankin for discovering how to retrieve the data.
This had been down since 2/2/2024 and would not be up again without his expertise !!!
It will typically be updated weekly - usually Friday/Saturday.
Analysis reports by day
Comparisons between two days - what got sold/claimed
Notes on how this was done (if you want more detailed info on this)
- This was created by a retired software developer for his own use using Java code that had too much time on his hands during the pandemic.
- I have been refining and using this for the past few months, and thought it might be helpful to others.
- Data is scraped off and saved from the FL lottery 'Remaining Top Prizes' page and the detail pages for the games
- It seems the FL lottery website numbers are updated daily overnight, but on weekends (when lottery offices are closed), only prizes that do not require the lottery office to redeem ($600 or less) are updated.
- Most of the reporting is easily done by simple math given the data the FL lottery publishes on these pages
- Other data that is not directly derived from this is calculated as follows
- Total number of tickets in the game: Take the top prize for the game, multiply the number of prizes times the odds. This should be very accurate, as the odds are typically very high.
- Percentage of tickets sold or remaining: This is my 'best guess' - using this reasoning
- Assumption is that prizes are distributed/cashed fairly evenly in the game (as per the overall odds).
- Takes the 'Total Prizes' and 'Prizes Remaining' for all prize levels, and computes the percentage of prizes that are remaining to be won (and also what has been won).
- It then multiplies that percentage by the total number of tickets in the game (see above), giving us the number of tickets sold so far (and the number that remain to be sold).
- Those numbers are then used to calculate the rest of the reports
- The Detailed Analysis by Game contains the following sections. These are all based on the projections listed above.
- Games ranked by payout percentage for all remaining tickets (I find this report most useful)
- Games ranked by the best improved odds of winning the top prize (the biggest difference bewteen the original odds vs the current odds)
- Games ranked by odds of winning $500,000 or more
- Games ranked by odds of winning $500 or more
- Games ranked by 'weighted odds' of winning $100 or more. This is also based on ticket cost - to give you the best value, regardless of ticket cost.
- Newer games (less than 6 months old)
- Games ranked by total payout of all tickets (this is when a game is brand new with no tickets sold). You can see the bigger the ticket cost - the better the payout
- A detailed report for each game - listing each prize level, original odds, current odds, percents claimed/remaining, etc), along with many other details
- The Comparisons between two days report. It takes two days of lotto data, and calcuates what was claimed, what was sold, how many of the top 3 prizes for each game were cashed, etc. based on those assumptions above. It is interesting to see what was sold, and what was claimed.
- Games ranked by best payout percentage between those two dates
- Games sorted by dollar amount of tickets sold
Let me know what you think - comments and constructive criticism welcomed - Enjoy
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